Wednesday, May 5, 2010

moth·er  [mŭth'ər]: a woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child.

Rachel here (Denise's youngest), I've taken over The Party Producers blog today for a special post. 
Mother's Day is coming up, actually only 4 days away.  Mother's Day isn't a holiday that usually boosts The Party Producers business.  It's not a day that people think, "hmm, lets have a big party for Mom."  Most children just get their Mom's a little something; a card, some flowers, a nic-nac, a piece of jewelry.  While all these things are wonderful, I ask everyone out there that's reading this post to think of Mother's Day this year in a new way (the way the holiday was intened to be celebrated).  As you know, The Party Producers are all about CELEBRATING.  Be sure to put that extra effort into celebrating the Mother's that affect your life (they don't even have to be your own). 
A little bit about the wonderful Mother's in my life!
Denise, my mom, is such a wonderful and strong woman!  She has sacrificed so much of herself in order to raise my sister, brother, and myself.  In order to give us more than we needed, she went without so much.  I can speak for the three of  us when saying that, for you Mom, we are truly grateful.  Also, without you as a model, I would not be able to be such a strong mom for my girls!
Debbie, my Godmother, has personally been like a second mother to me.  Without her, many things in our lives may not have been possible.  Her Love for her sister has helped my mom continue to be the mother that she is.  Thanks Auntie.

Tina, my sister (left in the photo above), is soon to be a mother in September!  All I can say about this wonderful woman is that I know that she deserve's this title, and will prove to be a fantastic mother!  Can't wait!

Carol, my late grandmother (right in the photo above).  It's very tough for me to find the appropriate words for this incredible woman.  She was truly an astounding person, and even though she is terribly missed, not a day goes by that I don't think about her.  I'm constantly relieved knowing that she is watching her great-grandchildren and keeping them safe.  Without her, none of her children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren would be the unique and wonderful people they are today.  Thank you Nana!
So again, I ask all of you to please think about your Mom's this weekend, and all that they do.  Celebrate the things that you appreciate about them!
Thanks for reading...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ahoy There Me Hearties!

Blimey! What a fabulous good time was had at Christian's 4th Birthday.
We had a wide age range of 2-10 year olds who walked the plank on April 10th.  We're looking forward to Ella's (Christian's big sisters) Garden Party coming up in May.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4th Annual Grace Curtis "Stand Up and Be Counted Day"

A Parent's Journey
On March 22nd we were joined by Shonda Schilling, Tom Kasperzak, and Jannette Phillips.  All three presenters had very touching and inspirational stories that kept our guests glued to their seats.  Each parent's story was unique, however they all shared the common message of fighting for what you believe in, for your child.  This can be applied to parent's of children with disabilities as well as those without!

It was a wonderful day and we are already in the works for next year's conference!

Shonda Schilling-Author of "The Best Kind of Different: Our Family's Journey with
Aspergers Syndrome."
Shonda is the wife of retired Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling.  Her story was one of relief.  It is so often that we put famous people in a different catergory than ourselves.  Shonda shared about her personal struggle and journey of living with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.  It was relieving to see this person who is wrapped up in fame, as a real everyday person just trying to raise a happy family.  Her battles and successes are the same as many of our own experiences.  It helped remind us that life is life no matter who you are and what you're known for. 

Tom Kasperzak- Author of "Plain Vanilla with Rainbow Sprinkles"

Us with Shonda Schilling!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Please click on above photo to enlarge it.
For more details and registration information regarding the
4th Annual Grace Curtis
"Stand Up and Be Counted" day
Please Contact: Christina Murphy at
(860)445-7626 ex.100


The Party Producers at:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We are currently preparing for the 2nd annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser which benefits the William E. Carmack Memorial Scholarship.  William (Bill) Carmack was a teacher, chief, guide, scoutmaster, grandfather, father, and husband. But most of all he was a friend. Last year's Pasta Dinner Fundraiser proved to be a wonderfully succesful event.  Due to the support of all those that joined us it was possible to provide a local young student with a $1000.00 scholarship to help with his educational pursuit in the field of fire sciences.
We would love for you to join us this year for yet another eventful evening.  Come delight in a scrumptious meal followed by delectable desserts.  Be prepared for an exciting basket bonanza abundant with an assortment of creative and exquisite baskets to suite everyones interests.
Call today to purchase tickets, make a donation, or for further information.
Hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

val⋅en⋅tine [val-uhn-tahyn]

1. a card or message, usually amatory or sentimental but sometimes satirical or comical, or a token or gift sent by one person to another on Valentine Day, sometimes anonymously.

2. a sweetheart chosen or greeted on this day.

3. a written or other artistic work, message, token, etc., expressing affection for something or someone: His photographic essay is a valentine to Paris.

Craig (Denise's Son) with his "Valentine" bride-to-be, Victoria.
Our families are off to a weekend packed with wedding festivities. 
We are hoping that you're Valentines day is a special day for you
to remember, as ours will be.
Think outside of the box and suprise your Valentine with a more
personalized and creative celebration of your love! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. 
 -C.S. Lewis

We're sure there must have been a time in both of our lives when we were too cool and too mature to enjoy a fairy tale.  In our eyes, fairy tales had become child's play.  We couldn't possibly be bothered with a silly world of fantasy, c'mon...we had much better grown-up things to do.

Fortunately, we have passed that stage and are currently now "old enough" to enjoy fairytales yet again.  However, not only are we enjoying them, we are creating them.

With some help from a little one who has yet to cease believing and enjoying...

To say that Saturday evening was magical would not be enough.  We were so lucky to have been able to experience yet another year of The Fairy Tale Ball.  Benefiting The Children's Museum of Southeastern CT, the spectacular event was held this year at Sonalyst Studios in Waterford. 
Event chair, Josh Chalmers, did an amazing job coordinating all that made this evening special.

Each table is sponsored by both businesses and individuals and represents a children's themed book.
Creating "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" was our way of not letting the Christmas season end quite yet. 

Thanks to our special guest, Bob DuFour, Santa really did make one last appearance before preparing for next Christmas.

The past three years we have enjoyed being a part of such a wonderful event. Specifically being able to create for two of those years alongside some incredibly talented people.
The tables were amazing, the food utterly scrumptious, and the company marvelous. 
To be able to do what we enjoy most, as well as benefit an organization such as the Children's Museum of Southeastern CT is such a privilege.
We already have great anticipation for what next years ball may bring, and we have begun brainstorming!