Thursday, February 11, 2010

val⋅en⋅tine [val-uhn-tahyn]

1. a card or message, usually amatory or sentimental but sometimes satirical or comical, or a token or gift sent by one person to another on Valentine Day, sometimes anonymously.

2. a sweetheart chosen or greeted on this day.

3. a written or other artistic work, message, token, etc., expressing affection for something or someone: His photographic essay is a valentine to Paris.

Craig (Denise's Son) with his "Valentine" bride-to-be, Victoria.
Our families are off to a weekend packed with wedding festivities. 
We are hoping that you're Valentines day is a special day for you
to remember, as ours will be.
Think outside of the box and suprise your Valentine with a more
personalized and creative celebration of your love! 

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