Rachel here (Denise's youngest), I've taken over The Party Producers blog today for a special post.
Mother's Day is coming up, actually only 4 days away. Mother's Day isn't a holiday that usually boosts The Party Producers business. It's not a day that people think, "hmm, lets have a big party for Mom." Most children just get their Mom's a little something; a card, some flowers, a nic-nac, a piece of jewelry. While all these things are wonderful, I ask everyone out there that's reading this post to think of Mother's Day this year in a new way (the way the holiday was intened to be celebrated). As you know, The Party Producers are all about CELEBRATING. Be sure to put that extra effort into celebrating the Mother's that affect your life (they don't even have to be your own).
A little bit about the wonderful Mother's in my life!
Denise, my mom, is such a wonderful and strong woman! She has sacrificed so much of herself in order to raise my sister, brother, and myself. In order to give us more than we needed, she went without so much. I can speak for the three of us when saying that, for you Mom, we are truly grateful. Also, without you as a model, I would not be able to be such a strong mom for my girls!
Debbie, my Godmother, has personally been like a second mother to me. Without her, many things in our lives may not have been possible. Her Love for her sister has helped my mom continue to be the mother that she is. Thanks Auntie.

Carol, my late grandmother (right in the photo above). It's very tough for me to find the appropriate words for this incredible woman. She was truly an astounding person, and even though she is terribly missed, not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I'm constantly relieved knowing that she is watching her great-grandchildren and keeping them safe. Without her, none of her children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren would be the unique and wonderful people they are today. Thank you Nana!
So again, I ask all of you to please think about your Mom's this weekend, and all that they do. Celebrate the things that you appreciate about them!
Thanks for reading...
I can think of no greater tribute to a Mom than beautiful words such as these. Expressed from the heart, these simple yet sincere words mean more than anything I can think of.
ReplyDeleteRachel, I have known your Mom and Debbie for many years! I am not at all surprised to know that her children would feel this way. She has always been a special woman and now we know for sure that she is one hell of a Mom!
I also knew your grandmother Carol. She was truly a special lady. I think of her often and miss those simpler days. I am certain that she is in Heaven above watching you all and beaming with pride.
Thanks for sharing this.
Paul Dawson