Monday, November 2, 2009

lights, cameras........action (eventually)

Chit Chat: light informal conversation for social occasions

We would like to share some exciting news with everyone. Thanks to Kathy Greene, the Director of Lighthouse Voc-Ed Center (Groton, CT) we have been given a wonderful opportunity. Alongside of Alec Aston, a Southeastern CT film producer, we will soon be bringing "Chit Chat" with The Party Producers to the world wide web.

The Party Producers are all about celebrating. "Chit Chat" is a short web show recognizing people that make our community special; a celebration of a different kind.

We've currently met with several guests and done several tapings. At first our nerves were running high, who would have thought that silence would be possible with the two of us present? But, after several weeks of recording, we are now comfortable in our setting and the action has begun!

Denise and Debbie

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