Friday, December 11, 2009

Just a few photos from Lunch with Santa at Kidds & Co!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

bus⋅y [biz-ee]:actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime: 

We have been searching for this sign for our office.  It currently describes our work/personal lives, as it would for most people this time of year.  We have so many wonderful events coming up within the next several weeks! 
This coming Saturday we'll find ourselves at Kidds & Co in North Stonington.  We'll be having lunch, with a visit from Santa Claus. 
Later that evening the employees of Kidds and Co will be gathering for a wonderful holiday celebration.
Wednesday December 9th, we are hosting a Cast and Crew Party for all those who have been a part of "Chit-Chat with The Party Producers (thus far)."
Next weekend we'll be traveling to Groton on saturday to meet up with Santa yet again.  At the Lighthouse Voc-Ed Center, he'll be meeting with the friends and family of clients and staff, where we will enjoy some yummy milk and cookies.
We are looking forward to these events, as well as of the smaller activities/events planned for the weeks ahead.  Check back soon to see what else is coming our way, and hopefuly yours as well!

Denise and Debbie

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

thank⋅ful [thangk-fuhl]: warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received.
Thanksgiving is a time for togetherness... it's an occasion to be spent in the warm and loving company of family, loved ones, and friends. Enjoying turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pies together with those close to us. Thanksgiving is also an opportunity to renew the ties that bind us with the ones we love... it is a time for remembering, cherishing, and being thankful for all the good things we have been blessed with. So it's time to say 'Happy Thanksgiving.'

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hal⋅low⋅een: Allhallows Eve: observed esp. by children in costumes who solicit treats, often by threatening minor pranks.

Another "boo-tiful" Halloween Open House
Our theme this year brought us back to the 1950's
when we had it all: sock hops, soda pop, hula hoops,
poodle skirts, and drive-ins were all the rage. 
Among other "spook"-tacular costumes there were greasers,
soda jerks, pink ladies, Lucy, the Milkman, a pink poodle,
a Supreme, and even a roller skating car-hop
delivering the goodies.  Hundreds of trick-or-treaters
came by to haunt our soda fountain, lucky for us they found our confectioneries much more enticing.

It truly was a night where Food, Friends, and Fun

were plentiful.

Stay tuned for our 2010 Halloween theme...

Monday, November 2, 2009

lights, cameras........action (eventually)

Chit Chat: light informal conversation for social occasions

We would like to share some exciting news with everyone. Thanks to Kathy Greene, the Director of Lighthouse Voc-Ed Center (Groton, CT) we have been given a wonderful opportunity. Alongside of Alec Aston, a Southeastern CT film producer, we will soon be bringing "Chit Chat" with The Party Producers to the world wide web.

The Party Producers are all about celebrating. "Chit Chat" is a short web show recognizing people that make our community special; a celebration of a different kind.

We've currently met with several guests and done several tapings. At first our nerves were running high, who would have thought that silence would be possible with the two of us present? But, after several weeks of recording, we are now comfortable in our setting and the action has begun!

Denise and Debbie

Monday, October 5, 2009

Va-ca-tion: period of suspension of work, study, or other activity. Usually used for rest, relaxation, or travel.
Enjoying La Jolla with one of our brothers.
The Party Producers have returned from a much needed vacation in California. We are rejuvenated and ready for what the next few months may bring us.
This week we are anticipating Lighthouse Voc-Ed Center's staff development day, to be held on Friday. We have a special surprise to help them through their intense day filled with workshops.

Two special events to look forward to this holiday season are a lunch and photo-op with Santa at Kidds & Co. LLC in North Stonington, as well as an afternoon with the man himself, some cookies, and tons of smiles for the camera at Lighthouse Voc-Ed Center in Groton. Interested in one of these events or to create your own with Santa, e-mail us at

Monday, July 6, 2009

50 years: here's a time when you have to seperate yourself from what other people expect of you, and do what you love. Because if you find yourself 50 years old and aren't doing what you love, then whats the point?
~Jim Carrey
Denise (on right), one-half of The Party Producers dynamic duo has recently turned 50. Her friends and family all joined together to turn the tables and produce a party for her. A few years ago Denise and Debbie joined together to do something they enjoyed, and were good at. They successfully began this venture. As Denise enters this new stage in life her her pursuit of this goal is one of her main focuses. Look forward to new and exciting Productions from this Producer!