Monday, April 26, 2010

Ahoy There Me Hearties!

Blimey! What a fabulous good time was had at Christian's 4th Birthday.
We had a wide age range of 2-10 year olds who walked the plank on April 10th.  We're looking forward to Ella's (Christian's big sisters) Garden Party coming up in May.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4th Annual Grace Curtis "Stand Up and Be Counted Day"

A Parent's Journey
On March 22nd we were joined by Shonda Schilling, Tom Kasperzak, and Jannette Phillips.  All three presenters had very touching and inspirational stories that kept our guests glued to their seats.  Each parent's story was unique, however they all shared the common message of fighting for what you believe in, for your child.  This can be applied to parent's of children with disabilities as well as those without!

It was a wonderful day and we are already in the works for next year's conference!

Shonda Schilling-Author of "The Best Kind of Different: Our Family's Journey with
Aspergers Syndrome."
Shonda is the wife of retired Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling.  Her story was one of relief.  It is so often that we put famous people in a different catergory than ourselves.  Shonda shared about her personal struggle and journey of living with a child with Asperger's Syndrome.  It was relieving to see this person who is wrapped up in fame, as a real everyday person just trying to raise a happy family.  Her battles and successes are the same as many of our own experiences.  It helped remind us that life is life no matter who you are and what you're known for. 

Tom Kasperzak- Author of "Plain Vanilla with Rainbow Sprinkles"

Us with Shonda Schilling!